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5 Furnace Safety Tips to Keep Your Home Warm this winter

Stay Cozy and Safe This Winter

As the temperatures drop and winter approaches, our furnace becomes an essential appliance in our homes, providing warmth and comfort during the cold months. However, with regular use, furnaces can pose safety hazards if not properly maintained and operated. To ensure your family’s safety and peace of mind, we’ve compiled a list of five crucial furnace safety tips. By following these guidelines, you can keep your home cozy throughout the winter season.

Schedule Annual Professional Maintenance:

One of the most important steps you can take to ensure furnace safety is to schedule annual maintenance with one of our qualified HVAC technicians. Regular inspections and maintenance checks can identify potential issues before they become major problems. Our technicians will clean and inspect your furnace, ensuring that it operates efficiently and safely. They will also check for carbon monoxide leaks, a colorless and odorless gas that can be deadly if left undetected. By investing in annual maintenance, you’ll not only improve safety but also extend the lifespan of your furnace. Check out our website for more information and never miss a tune-up again!

Replace Air Filters

Maintaining clean and functional air filters is crucial for both your furnace’s efficiency and safety. Clogged or dirty filters can restrict airflow, forcing your furnace to work harder and potentially overheating it. Additionally, dirty filters can trap dust and debris, increasing the risk of a fire hazard. Check your filters monthly and replace them every 30-90 days, especially during peak heating months. Clean filters not only improve your furnace’s performance but also enhance indoor air quality

Keep Flammable
Materials Away

Ensure that the area around your furnace is free of flammable materials. Items such as paper, cardboard, cleaning products, and paint should be stored far away from your furnace. The recommended clearance distance varies depending on your furnace type, so consult your owner’s manual or one of our professionals for specific guidelines. Maintaining a clutter-free space around your furnace reduces the risk of fires and allows for proper

Install Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a silent killer, and it can be produced by malfunctioning furnaces. To protect your family from this deadly gas, install carbon monoxide detectors in key areas of your home, particularly near sleeping areas. Make sure to test
these detectors regularly and replace the batteries as needed. If a CO detector goes off or you suspect a gas leak, evacuate your home immediately and call 911 and your local gas company.

Educate Your Family

Furnace safety is a shared responsibility within your
household. Ensure that everyone in your home, including children, is aware of the safety precautions
related to the furnace. Teach family members how to recognize warning signs of furnace problems, such as strange noises or unusual odors. Stress the
importance of not tampering with the furnace or trying to make repairs without professional assistance. Having an informed and safety-conscious household can help prevent accidents and ensure a warm and secure winter.

Your furnace is a valuable asset during the cold winter months, but it also comes with potential safety risks. By following these five furnace safety tips—scheduling annual professional maintenance, replacing air filters regularly, keeping flammable materials away, installing carbon monoxide detectors, and educating your family—you can enjoy the warmth of your home with peace of mind. Prioritizing furnace safety ensures not only the comfort of your family but also their well-being throughout the winter season.

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